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CURB Welcomes Three New Interns this Summer

Pictured from left to right: CURB Summer Interns Mireia, Amber, and Zoe.


This summer CURB welcomes 3 Sarah Lawrence College students to the team as part of the Summer Science and Community Leadership Intern Program (CLIP). Mireia and Amber join us for the Summer Science program focusing on microplastics sampling and Blue Team mentorship. Zoe is participating in the CLIP program with a focus on leading our environmental education programming. Please see below for profiles of each student.


Mireia Rosenblum-Martín - Hi, my name is Mireia and I’m an upcoming sophmore at Sarah Lawrence College. This summer I am working mainly as the microplastics intern here at CURB, helping monitor levels of microplastics in the Hudson River. I do this using a device called a “plastic hunter,” a structure made by PolyGone that floats on the water's surface with silicone brushes attached to capture microplastics. I take these brushes back to the lab, where I measure the amount of microplastics on each brush. I also help facilitate classes that come in, teaching kids how to monitor the health of the water, and sometimes I help out with seining. I’m excited to continue my work here which is already teaching me so much about fish, other animals, the river, and the communities that surround it!

Amber Strumer - I am a rising junior at Sarah Lawrence College, concentrating in Ecology and Environmental Science. I feel drawn to these fields because I have been fascinated by ecosystem structure and biodiversity for as long as I can remember. Every biome, habitat, and species is awe-inspiring – interconnected yet characteristic, delicate yet resilient, ancient yet ever-changing. However, urbanization and habitat fragmentation have led to humanity's separation from and exploitation of nature, putting all these irreplicable biosystems at risk. I want to be a part of understanding and revitalizing urban ecosystems, which is why I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with CURB. This facility has provided me with several outlets to contribute to real, tangible environmental change while preparing me for the challenges of a career in environmental biology. I am excited to spend my summer learning from the CURB community, be they project leaders, fellow interns, or visiting students, and to use this knowledge to make a meaningful contribution to environmental change.

Zoe Wolf - Hello! I am a soon-to-be junior at Sarah Lawrence College studying Child Development with plans to attend medical school after college. I am very passionate about understanding and teaching others about our environment, especially how to care for it. I have worked in after school and summer programs for six years to encourage children’s curiosity and am glad I get to continue that here. At CURB I am expanding my experience with child education and hope to develop a greater sense of inclusivity in the sciences.