18th Annual Day in the Life of the Hudson & Harbor
On October 22nd CURB staff joined over 30 organizations to participate in the annual Day in the Life of the Hudson and Harbor data collection day sponsored by the NYS DEC and Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. This was a year unlike any other previous Day in the Life, but CURB staff used COVID-safe protocols to collect water quality and sediment samples, document the currents, tides, and wind patterns, and seine on our beach. We collected nearly 40 organisms from 6 different species including blue crabs, striped bass, Atlantic silversides, bay anchovies, and both moon and comb jellies. Staff submitted their data and a series of short videos to the DEC and Lamont-Doherty who will collate them for use among schools to help promote place-based education for those students who aren’t able to get to their local Hudson River shoreline on their own.
For more information: https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/edu/k12/snapshotday
Check out this video of our data collection: