2021 Water Quality Season in Review
Approximately 200 base and duplicate samples were collected from 17 sites along tributaries and mainstem Saw Mill and Hudson Rivers. After a necessary pause in the program for 2020, samplers and staff alike highly anticipated the results of our fecal indicator bacteria monitoring of the river throughout the 2021 season. We learned that there are still sites that are in need of additional support and testing, in particular those sites with elevated results after rainstorms. We also learned that although there were considerably less rain events than in 2019, the calculations of rainfall amounts are growing greater in smaller periods of time. With our ever changing environment, it is important to continue collecting and analyzing critical historical data of our waterways and provide communities with access to this data and information. Alongside our biweekly reporting provided to stakeholders, we were also able to install a public facing informational sign showcasing weekly data present at the entrance to Habirshaw Park (supported by generous funding by ConEdison).
To learn more about the CURB water quality monitoring program, check out these educational videos (English/ Spanish). Data reports are also available on our water quality page.